sábado, marzo 31, 2012

Calmate, frío, que no tengo a nadie quien me abrace.

Remember when we used to look how sun sets far away...
And how you said: "This is never over".
I believed your every word and I guess you did too.
But now you're saying : "Hey, let's think this over".

You take my hand and pull me next to you, so close to you.
I have a feeling you don't have the words.
I found one for you, kiss it's seem, say bye, and walk away.
Don't look back 'cause I am crying...

1 comentario:

  1. :'(

    Soy de sangre caliente, tengo que admitirlo, abazo Rapti :3


hola wacho <(")

Pium Pium

Pium Pium

Estas locas

Estas locas
son mis amigas, y las amo